Thursday, April 5, 2012

Final entry

So what did I learn at the end of this journey.

1. We are all out in the world just trying to make it. I learned not to be so jaded and dismissive of my fellow man. I learned that everyone lives in a different circumstance. I learned not to be so quick to judge or flame others that are not like me.

2. It is OK to be spontaneous and have some fun in life. We are told to live everyday like it will be our last, but too often we don't. Get up--go to work--come home--go to bed. Lather, rinse, repeat. Fun keeps us young. It is ok to be silly as an adult. Kids should not have all the fun.

3. I have to pay attention to the future. Decisions made now will impact me later on. From business to finance to investments. I need to make sure I always know where I am going.

4. I appreciate my body. I have learned how to take care of it.

When I first started this endeavor, I had no idea the impact it would have on me. I lived everyday with a purpose. I constantly thought about what I was doing. I used this experience as a tool that gave me a direction. I did things that I would never normally do. I did things out of my comfort zone. I did things that I have put off for years. I did things that only benefit me. I did things that solely helped other people. I did things that I forgot I loved to do. I did things that I did not think I could ever do. The point is I DID! That was my mantra.

Will I do another list? Yes. Would I recommend this adventure to everyone. Only if you are open to the transformation that you will go through. This is not an easy journey. It was physical, mental and emotional. I had to break through some walls and judgements that were very thick. I am not the same person I was on July 6th, 2009.

I am stronger.
I am smarter.
I am more compassionate.
I am less judgemental.
I am more creative.
I am richer.
I am more fun.
I am at peace with myself.

I could not have done this on my own. Yes, this was my journey. But as with any journey, you need some help along the way. My family and friends supported me all the way. Whether they completed a task with me or just listened to my stories, their presence was undeniable. Along every step was my husband, M. He laughed with me, supported me and never told me no. I love you babe! Thanks to all that helped, loved, supported and walked with me.

Until we meet again....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Week 143

So time is up. Did I finish everything?
#3 Wrote thank you notes for all gifts and good deeds received. This started as a pain to do, but throughout the years, it became much easier to do. I realized how much people appreciate getting a note in the mail saying thank you. They appreciate it as much if not more that getting a thank you in person. The art of hand writing anything is disappearing, but in my world, a handwritten thank you note will live on. Thanks to Nana for inspiring this task.
#13 Yes, yes I did 50 push ups. OMG!! I have always hated upper body exercises. They suck. They hurt. They are boring. That being said, I don't like chicken wings when I look in the mirror. At the beginning of the list, I could do 5. About a year ago, I could do 12. Last week, I could do 34. Yesterday I did 50. I even did them in front of M so he knew I actually did them. Bright and early in the morning while he was on the computer, I pushed out 50 and promptly collapsed on the ground quivering in the fetal position. So hard, by far the hardest thing on my list that was done.
#19 Drank 3 bottles of water daily. Besides quitting smoking 6 years ago, this was the best thing I did for my health. I have more energy. I have cleaner skin. I have less kidney pain. Life is good. Water is truly the elixer of life. I found that at the end of the day, if I was behind on my water intake, my body felt dry. I felt tired. I felt rundown. All I can say is drink water. Try a little water flavoring if you don't like plain water. And yes, tap water is fine for you and better for the environment. You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water a day. No, soda and fruit juice does not count.
#26 Made gourmet pasta. So this was a disaster. I made a lemon pepper wheat pasta. The flavor was great, but getting to the end result was time consuming and frustrating. I ended up cutting all the pieces by hand because the dough kept clogging up my mixer attachment. Not sure if it was the lemon pieces or if it was the wheat flour. Regardless, the process took about an hour and a half. I have decided it is better to buy gourmet flavored pasta from Pappadrella's then go through this process again.
#36 M got his final foot rubs-- 3/15, 3/28, 4/2. I have overcome my testiness of touching someone else's feet. Now I have to get over someone touching mine. Maybe M should make a list and put on there to rub MY feet. I like that idea.
#45 Played a regular round of golf with B and M. We went to Links at 434 which is a little executive course in town. I did pretty well. We used the driving range to hit some balls. I desperately need to do this. I tend to lean back when I swing, like I was using a base ball bat. This is not condusive to hitting a golf ball. We went out to the course. I shot +28. Now before you laugh and say that is the worst game ever, I did outdrive the boys on one hole and I also shot even with the boys on 3 holes. Oh yeah, I undershot M on one hole. I did not win the day, but I had little victories and a lot of fun.
#48 Planned my vargas girl shoot. I have the poses. I have the outfits. I have a line on hair/makeup. I have a lead on a good photographer. Now all I need is the moxie and the money to do it.
#54 I learned 25 phrases in sign language. Technically, because I can sign the alphabet and the numbers up to 100, I can effectively communicate with someone. I did want to learn some phrases--hello, goodbye, how are you, I am fine. Most of the phrases I learned had something to do with telling them that I am learning. Slow down, repeat, can you fingerspell that and I don't understand are in my vocabulary. I also learned the basics--I love you, I am sorry, Please, thank you and where is the bathroom. There might be a curse word in there as well, but what are you going to do?
#56 I mastered Chicken in the Snow. This is a Penny recipe. She made it the first Christmas we went up to them. I was so intrigued by the presentation and quite skeptical that this dish would be palatable. The basic premise is taking a roaster bird and covering it completely with 3 lbs of salt. Yes, you read that correctly, 3 lbs. of salt. The damp salt forms a dome while it is cooking, so it does not oversalt the meat. Instead, it steams the bird and keeps it uber tender and juicy. So good. I tried to replicate this odd cooking technique only to end up with over salted dinner or raw chicken. Neither one very appetizing. After about 4 tries, the bird came out perfectly cooked and presentation worthy. We ate a lot of chicken in the snow. M is ready for a new dish.
#67 So M is not the only musician in the house anymore! I learned to play 7 chords on the guitar which turned into three songs--"I'm a little Teapot", "On top of Spaghetti" and "Folsom Prison Blues". Now, I am not the next Jimmy Page, but I did manage to put on a great show. M was very suprised at my performance. I guess he though I was going to suck. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I practiced a lot. I have callouses on top of blisters. My fingers smell of rusty guitar strings. But I would not have it any other way. I really enjoy playing the guitar. I just need to learn to play with a pick. Oh, and master the whore F chord.
# 79 The yard looks much better. It went from a 2 to a 7 within a week. Mulch always makes things better. The best part was that it was free. I called a local arborist and they dumped 10 cubic yards of chewed up trees in our driveway. It is not the best quality, but it was free and that goes a long way. We worked on the ginormous pile for a week. There was a lot of bruising and sweating, but at the end of the week, it was worth it. It should last for a couple of years, which is a good thing. Our landscaping is extensive. I can't do this every month!
#87 Yes, I am now a flosser. My mouth is happy. My heart is happy. My dentist and dental hygenist are happy. This was a good habit to pick up!
#89 I am a T-shirt designer. OK, maybe a concept developer. I came up with a design for Threadless. M, being a graphic designer, was an integral part of the process. If it was not for him, I would have had stick figures. Nobody pays for stick figures. I did the concept, layout and final color choice. M did the graphic conversions, placement and file preparations. It got picked for voting, so that is a step in the right direction. Hopefully, it will get picked for printing. That would be awesome!! I have a couple other ideas in the hopper....
#91 The electronic path for Statmat. So we had this idea to make the business electronic. I found out that the sites that currently do what we want to are huge with a lot of employees running the behind the scenes pieces. There is a lot of IT issues and setup costs. I think that we will stay the current course and revisit this in a couple of years. I am not sure that we have the capacity and manpower to deal with issues as they arise electronically.
# 94 I have very generous friends. I started out with 3 boxes to be sent to soldiers. After a call out to friends and my ability to get things for free/cheap, I ended up with 9 boxes! What a great feeling to be in the post office filling out customs form surrounded by boxes of support and thanks for our troops. You may not agree with the military presence in other countries. You may not agree with wars that we fight. You may not agree with the political involvement in military decisions. You do need to understand that we have men and women that are willing to lay down their lives to allow you to feel and freely voice those opinions. They don't hesitate. They don't question. They don't run away. They do everything that they have to protect our four walls. That is more than I could do. At the end of the day, they just want to know that people respect and appreciate their bravery and dedication. We don't say thank you enough. This includes our police officers, fire fighters, paramedics and teachers. We take these services for granted. Where would we be if we did not have these groups in our corner? Say thank you.
#97 Annie Duke better watch out. After months of doing a casual poker game, M and I decided it was time to put our poker skills to the test. We jumped in the deep end of the pool by completing in a monthly tournament at our local poker room. It was so surreal and completely different from our casual game. There was no mercy and no room for error. We competed with 150 people. My first goal was to not be the first one eliminated. Check. Second goal was not to be the first one busted at my table. Check. Third goal was to make it to the first break. Check. Fourth goal was to outlast M. Check! He got busted at around 100. Fifth goal was to make it to the 2nd break. Check. Sixth goal was to make it to the final table. No check. I busted at 45. Not too bad for the first tournament. Top third baby!!! Before I went down, I busted 2 people and decimated one other player. Once I got past the nerves, I was playing really well. Really want to do more tournaments.
#100 Much to M's dismay, I reorganized all of the closets to allow maximum storage. I used many vacuum bags. Seasonal clothing, extra pillows, blankets, towels and sheets are now tucked away in Space Savers. Halloween party stuff are in their little boxes, labeled and stacked away for next year. Kitchen is organized and easy to manage. This is the thing about 1949 houses--wicked cute but no closet space. M can't find anything and is very flustered. This is a good thing. I like to keep him on his toes. Not to mention, he has to keep me around. Otherwise, he will never find what he is looking for. My plan is working perfectly!!
#33 So, because I finished ALL of the tasks on my list, I got to go out to a really nice meal. We went to Kres Steakhouse. Very fancy pants. We talked. We ate well. We drank a lot. We came home fat and happy and $200 lighter in our wallets. It was worth it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 139

Getting down to the wire---

#80 Ball parked and mapped out our first stop on our 7 Wonders Tour. The Grand Canyon seemed to be the logical first choice as far as finances. Looking at about $4250.00. Seems like a lot, but that does include everything--food, lodging, souvenirs and activities. Cool activities--floating down the Colorado, riding a donkey to the floor of the canyon, glass bridge, waterfalls, rock viewing, stargazing and helicopters. Worth every penny. Looking at September--maybe for our anniversary. We will see how the rest of the year unfolds. I do have a price tag for the trip and an envelope to stuff money into every so often.

#68 Went to Dandelion Cafe for their Full Moon Drum Circle. Found Red Moon Henna. I immediately picked a design and got inked. I did both backs of my hands. We did a peacock design on one and a floral motif on the other. I let Ron pick the flowers. I originally wanted to do peacocks on both, but he was feeling a complimentary design. I love it!! I have gotten so many compliments. The design is beautiful and the quality is on the same level. I want to do more in the future. This is closest I will get to a real tattoo. That is okay with me and M is definitely on board with that decision.

#36 Rubbed M's feet. I even smooched them. They needed a little extra love after the ginormous tourney he played in over the weekend.

#101 I rolled my IRA into a Roth IRA and deposited $2500.00. I am trying to get ahead of the retirement game. M and I are terribly behind, so I am playing catch up now. This is a good start and a good boost in the account. I also switched to aggressive stocks in the hopes that I will build it faster. We don't plan to crack this nest egg open until we are ready to retire. Hopefully, the market will work with us. Please.....

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Week 138

So, I am exactly one month out. Good thing I did a lot the past couple of weeks:

#1 Completed the travel journal. I have a horrible memory especially when it comes to trips. The days and even the destinations get all mixed up. I forget where we go and what do in the terms of details. That makes for a disappointing experience if I can't remember the trip. From China to girl's weekend in Charlotte to DW to helpful trips to Biloxi, they are all accounted for. Had to make some phone calls--thanks Mom and Penny, and ask M. for details. In the end, I have all the details, dates, destinations and funny quips from all my trips. Maybe when I am 95 in the nursing home, some 18 year-old kid doing community service will be interested in reading about them.

#8 Finished my 40th book--Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. The first 3/4 was really good. They lost me when the book started overlapping the movie and things did not match up as I thought they would have. The book didn't have the confrontation at the house over the shoes. It did not have the flying monkeys kidnapping Dorothy. It did not portray the melting as in the movie. Rather, the author made it seem like Dorothy was helping the witch. Maybe it followed the original book. We all know how Hollywood likes to butcher a good book. The original should be my next read. But alas, I have moved onto Pride, Prejudice and Zombies.

#18 Finished the angel tree skirt. This was a task. Three ginormous angels cross stitched and then mounted on an ivory fur backing with a red rope trim. We don't normally do hokey decor, but I worked too long and too hard to not have this out for the holidays. I get a bye on this piece and it will be out every year we do a tree. So there!

#36 M. got three more rubby rubs. One on the floor. One on the sweat banana couch and one...oh wait, that was two on the sweat banana couch. No frills or exciting stories. Just the feet, rubbing oil and crappy reality TV. Yes, we are cool.

#70 Bowled a 150 game. Monday nights are all you can bowl including shoes $10. Good date night experience at our local joint. I have been struggling for 2 years to get this goal. I don't close frames. On this night, I felt good. I told M. that this was the night to hit 150. I felt the 150 game inside ready to bust out! Got to the alley and my first game was 97, which is about what I bowl. Next game--the universe aligned. The ball hit it's targets with extreme accuracy and fury. Pins were falling left and right. Spares were plenty. Strikes were bountiful. The scoring screen was ablaze with images of pins exploding and disintigrating at the end of the lane. When the dust settled, 162 shone proudly on the screen next to my name. No sirens went off. No ticker tape parade. Just a hero and her supportive hubby and a single tear to commemorate the accomplishment. That and a cheap beer crosses it off the list!!

#9 Completed the wedding journal. Refer to #1. I spent all that money. I would like to remember it when I am 95 in the nursing get the picture. The journal is stored safely in my wedding chest with other momentos that Nana and Mom saved from the wedding.

And finally....

Wait for it....



#74 Listen to all Mark's CD--Completed. Yes, I said it. I thought I would never get this done. He has some great music. A couple of hidden gems. The last two weeks, I have been listening to promo music from local bands. The list was long, but it is done...

Haunted Halo--Rebecca Tex
The Space Bar--The Space Bar
R50--The Golden Highs
Black Line Grind--Black Line Grind
Rob Slac--Always Chillin'
Jonasay--Spare Dimes for Dust
October--As Tall As I Am
October--Lay Down and Die
Under the Sun--EDP
The Easy Flow Nation
Ernest--Dragging Me Down
Dialect-- Promo
Morning Becomes Ecclectic:On Air Performances from KCRW Studios
Annoited 1--Born Again
Finger 11-- Drag You Down
Harry Dash--Sugar High
Mojave Demos
Naked Head--2002
The Kingdom of Leisure--One Fine Ride
Large Mammal--Divine
Media Music Professional
Cosmos Productions--Music to Listen to Video
Network Music--demos
Unit Shifters--This Ain't Love
Michele Lane 2010
Remedy 526--Everything
Remedy 526--In a Dream
Vova Zen--Promo
Vova Zen--Noise in the Background
Unit Shifters--Promo
Unit Shifters--Big Shiney German Knife
Unit Shifters--Please Stay on Grass
Unit Shifters--Virgin EP
Harry Dash--EP
Hello Joseph--I Wish I Was Nine
The Gospel Brothel--Something Like Forever
Franchise--Voices, Notes and Tones
Finned Pilot--Finned Pilot
The Actomatics--10 Stories
Wolf Nibble Chips--Out of the Cold, Behind your Eyes
Sean Edwards
The Dungeon Recording Studio Compilation
Bread and Circuses Music Fest II
Mohave--Clear Blue Trickling
The Lonely H--Hair
Mercy Machine--Mercy Machine
Mercy Machine--In Your Bed
King Remo--Bad Dream Girl
Kitty in the Tree--Hello Kitty
Long Wave--End Songs
Travis Pickle--Travis Pickle
The Moths
The Julius Airwaves--A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Jesse St. James--The Brave Fall
In Low--In Low
Hugo--Velvet Playground
Tower to Cesena--The Bowling Teeth
Emily Stein
Amy Steinburg--Raw Material From the Etheral
Amy Steinburg-- Sky High
Amy Steinburg--Hibiscus 360
SheBang--One of your Perfect Friends
Space Bar--Our Flight
Ironic Daze-- Clear Reception
Nocturnal--Apt 7L
Peter Moon--I am the Elephant Man
Zodiac Groove--Metabolic Windows
ZOA-- Dirty Little Anything
None Other--Mad Cow Boys and Girls
This Open Heart--Not Tonight Josephine
Buck 32--Product
Bring Back Jack--Deep Within the Irrational Behavior
Boys Go To War--It Always Hurts
The Bogman--Failing Systems
Bird Dog Bobby--I Ain't no Pedigree
Blue Meridian--Brave Angel
Blue Meridian--Minerva
Blue Meridian--Bleeding on the Guardrail
Blue Meridian--At the End of the Century
DManufacture--Alone I Fall
Jeff Coffey--EP
Cider--Sugar Coat
Choke--Pure Choke
Choke--Fashion By Late
Code Sunshine
The Sourpuss
Tune Up--Rock 48 complilation
4 Years Past--Surface
Dirty Shannon--Wealth, Time and Possessions
the Doors--live mix
Olive Carpet--Do you Know Who I am
Thaddeus Scrumb--Willow
Gadwell Lane--Waiting for you
Launch the Waiter
Axis Sunday Night Mass @ the Sapphire
Dust for Life--Step into the Light
Steven Foxbury--Summersong.
New Music From an American Landscape Compilation 2004
5 Billion Dead
Immedia--3 song demo
Jereme Hall--jereme Hall
Beautiful Mess--Homewrecker
Casual Folklore--EP
Madisen Crawford-2002
Joy Formidible--The Big Roar
Janis Joplin--Janis
Dio Mix
Jeff's Crank #4
Thin Lizzy Mix
Heavy Metal Mix
Black Star Morning--All Rise
Beerman--Life in the Stars
Paul McCartney--Never Stop Doing What You Love
Atom Eve Eclipse--No Suspension of Disbelief
American Supermodel--Amphire
Choke--Damn It, Janet EP
Atom Eve Eclipse--Future Shock and Exorcism
Choke--Live Oct 99
Brooke Waggoner-- Fresh Pair of Eyes
Slack Season--Post Party
Big Mother Thruster Demo
Philler--Safe to Drive with Two Glass Eyes
Dexter Freebird
Backsliders-- Southern Lines
Boxcar Prophets--Little Tortures
King Reno--Blackbook EP
The Trantulas--Monster Wave 100ft High
April March--Lessons of April March
April March--Chrominance Decoder
Strangefolk--Weightless in Water
The Hope Blisters-Smiles On
Von Ra- Just Waking Up
Von Ra-- POW
Together at Last
People's music awards 2001
Strobe 7--Strobe 7
SMG--Demo Reel
Gasworks--Bluegills and Bombshells
Gridlock Studios Sampler March 2003
John Frank
All Saints--I Know Where It's At
The Promise Ring--Wood/Water
Glass Laughter
Fred Schneider--B52's raw
The Methadone Jones Duo
Union Made--The Package
Fall Term--Try the Sagan
The Vinyls
Anthony Bonilla--Beats and Treats
Nate Larson--Nate Larson
Michael McCloud-- Another Day in Paradise
Ursula's Curse--Move Left
Ursula's Curse--West Trailduster
Upstairs--Casualties of Uncertainty
Von Ra--Fame
Von Ra--Interactive
Union Made--Union Made
Brooke Waggoner--Heal for the Honey
Fatback--The Way Things Should Be
Sex Sells Records--The Best No-Money Making Bands We Could Find Vol. 2
Venus Platt
Full Devil Jacket
Ultrablue--The Way Life Should Be
10 cent--Buggin' out
The Wiseguys--The Antidote
Sweet Mustafa--Behind the Zion Curtain
Oasis Acoustic Music Sampler
Joe Henry--Shin and Teeth
Uncle Tupelo--Anodyne
John Gallagher--Meridale
Lux Vixens--The Music of Hildeguard Von Bingen

and DONE!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 134

In the home stretch, but I feel like there are so many things left. 28 to be exact. The good news is that I have a gameplan to wrap this list up completed and on time.

#4 Expanded the friend wall to cover most of the office wall. Much like the rest of the house, there is no more room. The only other option now is to rotate pics to include other friends that are not currently up there. Or we could just leave it. I am not playing favorites. I am just lazy.

#8 Read Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. What a great piece of fiction! Or, depending on who you talk to, non-fiction. I find it comical that some people swear this book is fact. Of course, they also think the bible is 100% accurate as well. All that aside, the book was very entertaining. It was full of spies, slave trade, senate race and of course, slaying of the vampire!! I love the concept of taking history and throwing a bit of tweak in there. I actually learned some true facts about Lincoln from the book. And no, him being a vampire hunter was not one of them.

#14 I did 100 sit-ups on the Bender Ball. Supposedly using the green Bender Ball will enhance your sit-up experience by taking pressure off your back and extending your drop down into a slight arch that will work the abs more than a regular crunch. I don't know about all of that. What I can tell you is that my abs hurt like a mother right now. That is after I have been working them solid for the past week or so. Darn you Bender Ball! Darn you for the pain!!

#36 Gave M a glorious foot rub. I made sure it was after a shower. Only clean toes for me. I also had on my written record two other occurrances of the foot rub. Maybe in D.C? Not sure because I did not write a date or note any other details. I am totally counting them! Anytime I touch feet, I get credit. OK, not really, but you know how I feel about feet.

#40 This was a big one. M and I watched Citizen Kane. It was the last movie on my list and it the number one movie of all time according to AFI. I could not agree more. Go on, Orsen Wells! Go on with your bad self.

#59 Go to Gatorland (went with K, P, & M). In Florida, Gatorland is a state treasure. Basically, it is a haven for rescued gators or gators that need love. We saw big gators, white gators, baby gators, and even gators from Egypt. Pop quiz! What did all the gators have in common besides crazy sharp teeth and a ferocious appetite? They are super lazy. Imagine a sloth with teeth and pension for fresh meat. That is a gator. We were taking bets in our group as to which ones were alive. None of them moved. Lazy butts.

# More CD's. They never end. M has explicit instructions that, under no circumstance, is he to bring any more CD's into the house until April 5.

Izzy Cox-Love Letters From the Electric Chair

Roman Alexander and the Robbery

Van Preston-Van Preston

Peaceful Mix-Bea

Quiet Morning Mix-Bea

Black Sabbath Box Set-Black Sabbath, Sabotage, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, Never Say Die, Paranoid, Masters of Reality, Black Sabbath Vol. 4, Technical Ectasy. If you have not listened to this box set, go out immediately and get it. This means you.

Ponderosa-I'm Your Pistolier

Strange Bedfellows Compilation

Darrin James Band-Thrones of Gold

Have Gun Will Travel-Shadow as Tall as Giants

Legendary Shack Shakers-Believe

Sugar Free Music-Devil's Note Candy Shop

The Ditchflowers-Carried Away

Herb Brochstein and the Gulf Coast Giants of Jazz-Volume 3

Rebekah Pulley and the Reluctant Prophets-Back to Boogaloo

Janis Joplin-Janis

60 Greatest Rhythm and Blues Classics

Unit Shifters-Promo recording?

Roy Haynes-Fountain of Youth

Smashmouth-Fush Yu Mang

Everclear-Sparkle and Fade

Godsmack-the Other Side

Mickey Hart-Planet Drums

Michael Uyttebroek-Drums of Passion

Metallica-Master of Puppets

Metallica-Ride the Lightning

Nature's Drums-Harmonizing with Nature

Global Mediatation


Dutch Pop+Rock Compilation 2000

Am Gold 1966

Highly Pissed Radio Clips KLBJ

Southern Fried Sunday Compilation 2011


3 Doors Down-The Better Life

Rudess Morgenstein Project

Charlie Parker-Chasing Gold

Mastadon-The Hunter

2 Centuries of Romance-Mozart, Beethoven

Maurice Ravel-Bolero

Weekend Favorites-Classical

Handel-The Masterpiece Collection

Chopin-Volume 3

Beethoven-The Masterpiece Collection

Bach-The Masterpiece Collection

Headliners Compilation

AM Gold 1971

105.9 WCXR Classics-Volumes 1-4

Local Licks Live from Austin 1996

Immediate Blues Story Down and Dirty Volume 3

Dazed and Confused Soundtracks

Emergenza Compilation 2005

Trackspotting Connections Magazine Compilation 2000

Florida Music Festival Compilation 2008

Manheim Steam Roller Christmas Collection

A Celtic Christmas

Christmas Essentials

The John Henry's-Sweet as the Corn

James Jackson Toth-Waiting in Vain