Monday, April 26, 2010

Up to week 42

Man, I am a total loser. But to be fair, there have been many things happening and they are time-consuming.

I got a lot stuff done!

#20 I got the sewing machine fixed. It was the machine that I used growing up. It have been sitting in storage for I don't know how long. The bobbing case was bad and the tension was not correct. In the end, I was set back about $130, but it was worth it. The machine is a good machine. Even the guy who repaired it was in awe at the sight of it.

#21 I took crochet classes at Joann's. The class was ok. I learned all the things that I was doing incorrectly. No wonder my pattern looked funky and lopsided. Now that I know the correct way to crochet, I will be whipping out scarves, pot-holders, hats and towels.

#24/#25 So the garden is still alive and producing viable produce. Who knew!? I guess my black thumb of death is slowly turning gray. So I am crossing this off while everything is still alive.

#29 Had 4 outings with friends. Went to lunch with Bill, Jen and Sharon to Pom's. Yummy! Had cocktails and apps with Tracie at Lake Eola Wine Company. The bruschette is divine. I had cocktails and apps with Melissa at, wait for it, Lake Eola Wine Company. I can't help it, LEWC is awesome. If someone gives me the choice, that is where I go. I went to the Taste of Winter Park Festival. Tickets were fairly priced and we got them before the "incident" happened. I went with my foodie friend, Cathy. She is always good for trying new foods.

#40 Watched Philadelphia Story. Katherine Hepburn was awesome. Let me tell you, she had her hands everywhere. No man was safe from her charm. She had a fiance, an ex-husband with a sailboat, and a rag-mag reporter at her beck and call. She bounced between all of them and about 5 bottles of champagne. She was a hussy, but a classy hussy. In the end, she sailed back to her ex because she was too wild for the new one.

#66 I completed the Almaniac which is an Old Maltese Challenge. The Old Maltese Challenges are trivia and puzzle contests. This particular one is an 80+ list of questions that can all be answered using only the 2010 Almanac. Most of the questions were pretty straight forward, but some of them were very hard to find. So after weeks and weeks of hunting through the enormous almanac, all the questions were answered. Correctly, I do no know. Only the Old Maltese knows and he's not telling right away.....

#72 I gave a gentleman $9.00 in the parking lot of Joann's. He said he just got out of the hospital and needed money to catch the bus to go home. I gave him some dough and gave him a lift to the nearest bus stop just in time to catch it. He got on the bus and headed home.

#74 Cd's I listened to:

Fleetwood Mac-Greatest Hits: Well, it is Fleetwood Mac, so you know they aren't really rockin', but they are still a classic band. Seeing as this was a greatest hits album, I knew every song.

Flyin' Blind-Flyin' Blind: Mark doesn't even know where this CD came from, which is indicative of the caliber of music that I heard. It was not good. The singer drowned out the rest of the band. They have to be local which means that they are probably not together anymore.

Fuel-Sunburn: Thank goodness I listened to this CD after Flyin' Blind. I need Fuel. They were my rock salvation.

Still flossing, turning off water in the shower, and drinking plenty of water everyday.

So, I will try not to be so lame in the future with posting. Sorry.

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