Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Week Seven

What did I do last week?

#6 is done. Although I do have to give mad credit to my mother. Ever since the car accident, my neck and shoulders have not been able to handle repetitive behaviors. So Mom was down for the wedding shower and I asked if she would help me paint in preparation for the wedding. To my surprise and relief, she offered to do them completely. I did help. I painted two cabinets and was told never to paint again. Thanks Mom--they look amazing!!

I started on #4. I framed and hung some pics of my nephews, cousins and my friends. It is not filled yet, but it is a start.

#7, painting the trim, is almost complete. We did most of the house and cleaned the rest. I will paint when I have the mobility to move freely.

I got a library card. So cross #43 off of the list. Mom and I went in between vendor meetings while she was here. We needed to blow about 30 minutes and the downtown branch was right there. It was quick, easy and painless. It has been years since I have been in a library. It was a lot bigger than I would have thought. Granted, it is the main branch for the city, but it is huge!!

I gave $5.00 to a gentleman on the street that needed it more than I did.

No cd's this week but I will have a lot for next week. Gotta get the wedding music together--

See you soon


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