Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 47

So, yeah, I know. It has been long overdue. I will just get to the updates--

3. I wrote many thank you notes. One went to Nana for treating us to Bingo when we visited. One went to dad because he stayed at the bingo all night. One went to mom for just about everything else related to our trip back home. She is a fantastic hostess with the mostess. One went to my friend Tracie. She treated me to drinks and dinner. One went to Michelle for treating dinner during her wedding planning.

8. I finished reading one of the books I have started. I have started, like, at least 5. I just can't seem to finish them quickly. I read "The Murder List". It was ok. It started out with promise as a crime novel, but quickly went down the soft core porn route. The original story was overshadowed by passion and sexy time. It got very boring very quickly. Heck, even the sexy time parts were not very original. "He strode to her in three steps and took her in his arms. Her eyes met his and the spark ignited a passion that could not be quenched. They kissed passionately and fell to bed, blah, blah, blah. We all know how this part ends. Too bad the book didn't end sooner.

32. Went to Jazz Fest in New Orleans. The greatest thing we could have done that weekend. It was awesome to be back home with good people, good music and good food. We saw so many amazing bands. Pearl Jam was packed. Jeff Beck ruled the weekend. The Dead Weather played in crappy weather. B.B. King is still bringing it. We met some friends there and hung out. Mark had never been and it was fun to share this with him.

62. I took a cake decorating class at JoAnn's. It was very entertaining. I learned how to make a smooth finish on the cake, flowers, trims, outlines and the famous Wilton Rose. Since we are trying to eat better, my family and friends got the fruit of my labor.

40. Watched To Kill a Mockingbird. I watched this in high school, but did not care enough to pay attention. This was a great flick. If I was ever on trial for anything, I would totally ask Gregory Peck to be my representation. The movie was moving and poignant.

Watched Unforgiven. Wasn't my favorite. It was about 40 minutes too long and the ending was not what I had built up in my mind. I mean, we are talking about Clint Eastwood and a western movie. Where was the showdown? Where was the high noon standoff? The only thing that came close was the one-sided gun fight in the bar. Not entertaining and kind of a let-down.

Watched The Best Years of Our Lives. Man, this movie was long. 3 hours. I was not sure that I would make it in one sitting, but I did! This was an awesome movie. The story followed three veterans returning home from WWII. They met on the flight home and stayed friends after returning. Each man had his own story and conditions when they came home. One dealt with the fact that his family had survived very well without him and now had to readjust to him being home. One had to deal with a wife of 20 days who became accustomed to earning her own money and spending it. One had to deal with a war injury that replaced his hands with hooks. His family seemed to take it harder than he did because he worked very well with the hooks. In the end, one man's family welcomes their father and husband back, one man's wife runs off with another man, and one man's family accepts him for him and watches him marry his high school sweetheart. Interesting note, the man who played Homer is actually a war vet that did lose his hands in the war. He was approached by the director who saw him in an Air Force instructional video and thought he would be just the thing to put the flick over the top. I would agree.

35. Wrote Mark a love note in the hotel bathroom in New Orleans. It was steamy and he saw it exiting the shower. I also sent him an email while he was working that said Hi Honey in the subject line and had a picture of a dinosaur in the body. He knew exactly what that meant and giggled.

I think that is it. If I forgot something, I will add it next week.

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