Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week one

So week one is coming to a close and all is well.
As you can see, the blog is set up now. That is the first completed task. Felt good to mark something off the list.

I have started a couple of things on the list. #19-drink 3 bottles of water daily and #87-floss daily have been done, well, everyday.

Started reading the first book of 40, One flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Mark got his first foot rub #36. This is going to be a big one for me to complete. I hate hate hate feet!!

Listened to Paula Abdul(not sure how that got in the collection), 3 Aerosmith albums, ACDC this week #74. Again, this will be a huge task as Mark has like 10,000 cd's in his collection. That is a fib, but he has a ton of music. It is a little overwhelming. At least, with the exception of Paula, he has outstanding taste. I will be enjoying a lot of classic rock over the next 3 years.

So, making progress. Starting a lot of things and once we get past the wedding, I will be able to really move forward with the completion percentage.

Tune in next week for .............Week 2!!

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