Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 32

On time this week--I think that is a first. This was a short week. I updated this blog on Thursday of last week, so only 4 days have passed. Believe it or not, I did get some things done in that four days.

#36 Gave my man a well-needed foot rub. It was on V-day by default. I made a great dinner and then, when he was fat and happy, I took advantage of his slothiness. He could not tell me no. I used the foot lotion that mom gave me and rubbed away. He was very happy.

#78 I figured out the solution to the Games online contest for the month. The solution involved finding a hidden message that was related to top-level domain abbreviations for various countries. Once you figured out the correct domains, you had to put them together to form a sentence about a well-known board game. The solution was "There's really no luck in Checkers". I submitted the answer just in time as the contest ended today. One down and 4 to go!! See Dad, I am smarter than the top-level domain abbreviation puzzle!!

Not too much this week, but like I said, it was a short week.

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