Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Week five

Yes, I know--Late again. Time is precious as we get closer to the wedding. Taking even 10 minutes to update seems challenging. Plus, I did not feel like I got a lot done this week, so I was not in a rush to come write about what a loser I was. But then I realized that no matter how little I do, I need to write it down here. With that being said, let's talk about what I did do last week.

I started #7. I painted the two archways in the house and the connecting trim. I would say that I am about 45% done. I might get frisky and try to finish before the wedding. Right, that is a pipe dream. At least I started.

#49 gets a big hash mark next to it. I went down to the local blood bank and donated some blood. Saved a couple of lives. This is huge for me because I hate, hate, hate needles!!

I am also halfway to #38!! I checked my comments today to find that I have inspired someone to start this challenge. Props to Rachael!! I will cross #38 off when her list gets published on a blog or www.dayzeroproject.com. Can't wait to see it Rachael!

And that is it. Told you is was scary this past week. Like I said, with the wedding one month away, everything seems to be spiraling and time-consuming.

More update later...

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